D:\bin\AIMP4\AIMP.exe /PLAY D:\bin\AIMP4\AIMP.exe /PLAYPAUSE D:\bin\AIMP4\AIMP.exe /NEXT D:\bin\AIMP4\AIMP.exe /PPREV D:\bin\AIMP4\AIMP.exe /EXIT D:\bin\AIMP4\AIMP.exe /RESTORE
/ADD_PLAY - Add objects to a playlist and start playing. /BOOKMARK - Add files and / or folders to your bookmarks. /DIR - Add folder(s) to the playlist. /FILE - Add file(s) to the playlist. /INSERT - Add objects to the active playlist. /QUEUE - Add objects to the active playlist and put them in custom playback queue. /RESTORE - Bring player to top. /SKIN - Install skins to AIMP. After installation, opens the Preferences window on the choice of skin. /PLS - Opens playlists in new tabs. /CDA - Creates a new playlist with a list of files from a specified media and starts its playback. /PLAY - Start playing. /PLAYPAUSE - Start playing / Pause playback. /PAUSE - Pause playback. /STOP - Stop playback. /NEXT - Next file. /PREV - Previous file. /MUTE - Mute / Unmute . /VOLUP - Increase volume. /VOLDWN - Reduce Volume. /EXIT - Exit from the app.
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